ICMEI Congratulates Latvia on Proclamation Day
New Delhi, India – 18th November: Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI), extended his heartfelt congratulations to H.E. Juris Bone, Ambassador of Latvia to India, and the people of Latvia on the joyous occasion of Latvia’s Proclamation Day.
While highlighting the potential for strengthening bilateral ties, Dr. Marwah emphasized the importance of cultural collaboration between India and Latvia. “Latvia and India share a foundation of friendship that can be further enriched through the promotion of art, culture, and creative exchange between the two nations,” stated Dr. Marwah.
The association between Latvia and ICMEI began on a positive note with a significant visit by Ambassador Aivars Groza to the headquarters of ICMEI, marking the beginning of an enduring relationship. ICMEI is committed to exploring opportunities to foster closer cultural and artistic ties between the two countries.
The Indo-Latvia Film and Cultural Forum aims to serve as a platform for showcasing the cultural richness of both nations while promoting collaboration through art, film, and media.
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