ICMEI Congratulates Palestine on National Day
New Delhi, India – 15th November: Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI), extended his warm greetings to H.E. Dr. Abed Elrazeg Abu Jazer, Chargé d’Affaires of Palestine in India, and the people of Palestine on the occasion of Palestine’s National Day.
Dr. Marwah emphasized the strong cultural bond between India and Palestine, which has been strengthened through the Indo-Palestine Film and Cultural Forum. “Palestine has been an integral partner in all major ICMEI initiatives, including the Global Film Festival, Global Fashion Week, Global Literary Festival, Global Festival of Journalism, International Documentary Film Festival, exhibitions, country-specific film festivals, and food festivals,” stated Dr. Marwah.
He highlighted the immense potential for deepening relations between the two nations through arts and culture. “Palestine and India share a long-standing friendship that can be further enriched by promoting the cultural heritage and creative collaboration between our countries,” he said.
The Indo-Palestine Film and Cultural Forum continues to play a significant role in enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation between the two nations, serving as a platform for celebrating and showcasing their cultural diversity.
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